Meet the Staff - Merv (Business Advisor)
The first in our three part series of meet the Workspace team we introduce Merv Rushton, Workspace's Business Advisor and Mentor. Having lived in the Bendigo region all his life, growing up on his family's Dairy farm, Merv's knowledge of the area and its people is extensive.
Starting his career as an apprentice boiler maker, remaining with the firm after he'd finished his apprenticeship it was 15 years before Merv saw a change in career becoming a sales rep for a local gas company and then took the plunge on his own, contract welding, maintenance and manufacturing.
1989 brought another change when Merv and his wife Wendy started Bendigo Powder Coating. Immersing himself in the business and its development, he participated in developing local industry and trader groups. I asked Merv what was the biggest challenge he faced when he first started his business. "At the time I had a young family and trying to juggle work and family life and trying to give both 100% was the most difficult challenge. I certainly hope I got that right, I think I did as I have a great relationship with my kids and
Wendy and I have been married over 40 years now so I think I did something right" he says.
In 2007 Merv decided to retire and sold his business after 20 years of working for himself and employing on average 8 employees at any one time. Training and assisting the new owner he discovered what would be his next passion - mentoring. Working with youth for a couple of years mentoring and passing on his experience with metal work lead to him joining Workspace in 2013. Merv is able to pass on his experience including the highs and lows of owning your own business and provide valuable insight on how to succeed in business. "I had some great mentors when I was in business and if I can be a mentor to someone else and help them the way my mentors did with me then I know I will have achieved something worth while" Merv says.