Highlighted Business of the Week
Goodwill Wines
Like so many on Black Saturday, David Laity lost most of what he owned. He was grateful to be alive and had no idea of the overwhelming support that would be provided.
Using the $15,000 given to him through the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal, money that had been donated, David began Goodwill Wine as a way to pay forward this incredible generosity.
His idea was simple. he would go directly to the vineyards and find some of the best value, boutique wines Australia has to offer. David would build a reputation based on a steadfast commitment to quality, and would pass on 50% of his profit margin to the charity or non-profit organisation of his customer’s choice.
Goodwill Wine aims to use these quality wines as a canvass to further awareness of the organisations the community supports. In acknowledging that there are over 700,000 charities and non-profit organisations in Australia, they also provide a Goodwill Label enabling you to support a charity or cause even if Goodwill Wine does not have a direct partnership with them.
Located at the Workspace Gisborne site you can learn more about them at www.goodwillwine.com.au.